Real reviews by real people.
Hey there, I’m Mitch. I’m one of the founders of the website.
If you’re new here or someone who has been following our content for quite some time, you’re probably wondering what we’re about and why we do what we do.
Well, here at Rip City Review, we believe in bringing people a whole new way of experiencing products and services in Portland through reliable and relatable content. We don’t just write reviews – we live them.
One of our primary values is authenticity. We want to offer real opinions from real people who know Portland like the backs of their hands.
The idea for the site sprouted way back in 2019. My friends and I were looking for the best place to hold our high school reunion.
As anyone at this age will do, we looked up event spaces in Oregon online and found the results lacking. Turns out, it’s a common problem among us Portlanders.
We just don’t have a lot of good reviews localized for us specifically. This realization started our journey in building this website.
It took a lot of teamwork and coffee-filled brainstorming sessions but we can finally show you work we’re proud of.
If you’re a local like us who wants to discover something new from what’s familiar, you’re welcome here. Or maybe you just moved here and don’t really know where the best services are.
If you’re a tourist who wants to make the most of your stay in Portland, this is the place for you too. We have the information you need to make your stay in Portland an enjoyable experience.
So, sit back and scroll through our content. We’re sure you’ll find something for you here.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments, we’d love to hear from you. Drop us a line and we’ll get back to you ASAP.
Thanks and see you around!
Mitch and the rest of the Rip City Review team